Jul 252011

By now everyone knows that New York State has legalized gay marriage.  About time, I say.  I was moved reading CNN’s online article about the first weddings performed. I was especially pleased to read that Rabbi Shaaron Feinbaum of Beit Simchat Torah congregation offered religious ceremonies for those desiring one.  All too frequently, Western religions have become associated with intolerance and prejudice.

What has struck me in reading numerous articles on this, is the sheer joy of couples throughout New York.  Even though marriage rites pre-date any written history, it’s known that 5,000 years ago the Sumerians created rules governing marriage and the oldest marriage certificate was found on Elephantine Island, dating back 2,500 years.  It boggles the mind that some people can be excluded from participating in a fundamental right of humanity.

New York joins Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire and the District of Columbia in allowing same-sex marriages.  Illinois, Hawaii, Delaware, California, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington approved civil unions that provide gay couples with extensive marriage-like rights.

Where does my home state of Wisconsin sit?  One of my friends has now changed the name of the state to “Scottwalkerstan” and it seems that this part of the country is taking too many steps backward.  Domestic partnerships for same-sex couples have been recognized in Wisconsin since August 3, 2009 despite same-sex marriage being banned by Wisconsin statutes and a constitutional amendment in 2006.  On top of that residents who go out of state to contract a marriage that would be prohibited within Wisconsin can be fined up to $10,000 and/or imprisoned for up to 9 months!

My thought on this: RIDICULOUS!  Wisconsin has been an interesting but mostly harmonious blend of liberal and conservative but always at the forefront of freedom and human rights.  It’s a disgrace that we are so far behind other states, including states with puritanical roots, in this issue.


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 Posted by at 8:23 pm

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