Possession of Truth Update

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Jun 262011

I have lots of good news regarding Possession of Truth!  I’ve been working really hard at getting the book to people and we’re starting to see success.  Prairie Books in Mount Horeb, the troll capital of the world, is the first bookstore to carry the print version.  It’s on the main strip located near the Grumpy Troll Brew Pub.

Prairie Books is an independent bookstore that has not succumbed to the perils facing small businesses during these difficult economic times.  They carry a wide selection of general and specific interest books, especially those on subjects of local and regional interest.  The owner, John, is a great guy who, in my opinion, prefers the written word over technology any day.


 Posted by at 9:50 pm

Why Eben Foster joined the FBI

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May 312011

Since I’ve started formulating my next mystery, I decided to write about Eben today.  Yes, the book is going to have him in it but it’s not really a sequel to Possession of Truth. It’s another mystery that happens after Possession of Truth but can stand alone.

Eben decided to join the FBI for two main reasons.  The first is his strong sense of justice and desire to right wrongs.  That’s an integral part of his character.  The second is the scope of the FBI versus other law enforcement agencies.

Local police have jurisdiction only in the city or town where they are employed.  Sheriff’s departments are the legal officers of a county.  Their duties range from legal, political and ceremonial and vary greatly from county to county.  State troopers have authority to conduct law enforcement activities and criminal investigations throughout the state.

Eben found the thought of working for any of those too limiting. He was frustrated that many criminals avoided notice, prosecution and justice simply because they moved from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

The FBI is part of the Department of Justice. It serves as both a criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency. The scope of the crimes investigated by the FBI is what appealed to Eben and spurred him to apply and join the Bureau.  He’s had no regrets!

 Posted by at 10:32 pm

Clean and Jerk

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May 082011

Ultimate Health and Fitness is one of two gyms on JoyBoy Island.  It’s your standard full-service gym, but what sets it apart are the people who work there.  Lenny and Jorge, a long-term couple, are the owners who relocated to Anteros from Miami. Lenny skirts most of his duties to socialize with the members, gossip, play matchmaker and get in a quick game of racquetball.

Jorge, meanwhile, usually ends up doing half of what Lenny is supposed to do. While Jorge is typically the more serious of the two, he does like to go to nightclubs.  A few drinks at the Whirling Albatross make him even more loquacious than his partner, and he has been known to blurt things out inappropriately.

Ultimate employs a full cadre of personal trainers, all of whom make working out fun in their own special way. They are big, buff and exceptionally attractive. Chris, who appears in Possession of Truth, is a major beefcake but has a goofy sense of humor. Despite his attractive appearance, he just can’t land a date.

Jake, who is featured in Dangerous Desire, is shy but seems to have every aspect of his life under control.  Unfortunately, he’s harboring a dark secret that threatens to destroy both him and the man he loves.

Come to Ultimate!  It’s more than just a workout!

 Posted by at 9:16 pm

Eben Foster’s Casebook

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May 012011

I thought I’d take the opportunity to go more in-depth with Eben Foster, FBI agent from Possession of Truth. This is Eben’s overview of the Long Island Serial Killer Case, which is currently unsolved.

The disappearance of Shannan Gilbert, a prostitute, triggered an investigation that led police to discover at least eight, possibly 10, bodies to date on a remote stretch of beach in Long Island.  So far, the police have released very little information, and it looks like they don’t have much to go on. All the bodies were exposed to the elements for a significant period of time, so there’s a dearth of physical evidence.

Law enforcement released a profile of the killer, and in it stated that he had called one of the victim’s sisters and taunted her. The other information that is currently making news is an account of Shannan’s last night. A man, GC, claims that she knocked on his door at 5 in the morning while he was shaving. Shannan screamed for help but as GC was calling the police, she ran outside, under his boat. When an SUV approached and GC had an extended conversation with the driver, she ran off toward the beach.

After analyzing the story many times, too many details are missing or out-of-place. What is the importance of providing the info that he was shaving and then called the police with shaving cream on his face? That’s completely irrelevant, unnecessary and slightly self-aggrandizing. It sounds more like a well-rehearsed alibi. Also, as described by GC, he had a significant conversation with the “Asian” driver of the SUV who was obviously after Ms. Gilbert. If that’s the case, why did he not get the license plate number?  And lastly, why would Ms. Gilbert run when she’d actually managed to find help at five in the morning?  That strikes me as nonsensical.

In conclusion… although the police may be withholding information from the public because of the ongoing investigation, GC’s piece in this puzzle is intriguing. His statements are self-serving, illogical, and easy to pick apart. It seems more like another taunt.

As always, please remember that everyone is considered innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. Happy sleuthing!


 Posted by at 8:38 pm

How Possession of Truth Came To Be

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Apr 252011

Wow! My first blog entry. I wasn’t quite sure what to write about but eventually realized that it had to be about Possession of Truth. Even though this novel filled with suspense, mystery and romantic intrigue was electronically published almost two years ago, getting it in print this year has been an amazing experience.

Possession of Truth started out as a serial to be posted on JoyBoy Island, but I had just finished writing From Russia With… and I was more than 18 months ahead of schedule. That’s when the idea of making it into a novel struck.

My partner and I were traveling to Ecuador for his sabbatical, so I had plenty of time to write in the evenings. The last week was spent on a cruise in the Galapagos

Blue Footed Boobies

No, this is not Joy Boy Island.

That meant even more writing time! In between excursions to the island, I was found at the bar with my laptop and my favorite adult beverage, a Bloody Mary.

I finished half the book in a blistering three weeks. My style is fast-paced and easy-to-read without being Spartan and leaving out details.

Once back in the real world, where day-to-day responsibilities take priority, it took three more months to finish writing the book, followed by a solid two months to edit it. I have to admit that I enjoyed every minute and am ecstatic about how it came out.

If you haven’t already, check out the first chapter. It’s free!

 Posted by at 9:09 pm