May 312011

Since I’ve started formulating my next mystery, I decided to write about Eben today.  Yes, the book is going to have him in it but it’s not really a sequel to Possession of Truth. It’s another mystery that happens after Possession of Truth but can stand alone.

Eben decided to join the FBI for two main reasons.  The first is his strong sense of justice and desire to right wrongs.  That’s an integral part of his character.  The second is the scope of the FBI versus other law enforcement agencies.

Local police have jurisdiction only in the city or town where they are employed.  Sheriff’s departments are the legal officers of a county.  Their duties range from legal, political and ceremonial and vary greatly from county to county.  State troopers have authority to conduct law enforcement activities and criminal investigations throughout the state.

Eben found the thought of working for any of those too limiting. He was frustrated that many criminals avoided notice, prosecution and justice simply because they moved from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

The FBI is part of the Department of Justice. It serves as both a criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency. The scope of the crimes investigated by the FBI is what appealed to Eben and spurred him to apply and join the Bureau.  He’s had no regrets!


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 Posted by at 10:32 pm

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